SynergyLabs – Groomer’s Salon Select Flea Shampoo for Dogs
It gently cleanses skin & coat, leaves the coat soft & shining, and helps soothe irritated skin due to flea bites. Consult a vet before using the following shampoo on breastfeeding, aging… dogs
*ATTENTION* For use on dogs only, it may be toxic and fatal for cats
Thoroughly soak the animal with warm water taking 2-3 minutes to thoroughly wet hair. Do not apply shampoo around the eyes. Apply shampoo on head and ears, then lather; repeat procedure with neck, chest, middle, and hindquarters, finishing legs last. Let the animal stand for 10 minutes (this is an important part of the grooming procedure), then rinse the animal thoroughly. In extremely dirty or scaly animals, the above procedure may be repeated. Pet bedding and quarters should be treated simultaneously with an approved product. Wash hands after handling. Do not reapply for the product for one week. Safe for use on dogs over 3 months. Please use the following amount of shampoo depending upon the size of your dog: Less than 20lb: 0.5 oz (wt). 20-25lb: 1.5 oz (wt). 50lb or more: 2.5 oz (wt). Storage & disposal: Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. Disposal: If empty: Do not reuse this container. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain. Do not use on cats or kittens. May be toxic or potentially fatal if applied to or ingested by cats. Accidental application to cats and/or grooming a recently treated dog may result in tremors and/or uncoordinated muscle movements. If this occurs, immediate veterinary care should be provided.